Friday, May 15, 2009

Assessment in Affective Domain

(Check-Up test, please print for your portfolio entry)

Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is stated correctly when assessing the interpersonal relations of students?
a. I can easily get along with others
b. There are reminders of establishing good relations
c. Moody people have no place in this world
d. Presence of good people around

2. Checklist (present/absent) in classroom observation is best presented in this stimulus.
a. Visual aids are inappropriate
b. The teachers explains well
c. Chalkboard
d. Objectives are too vague

3. Which learning objective is not stated in observable performance?
a. Define terms in his own words
b. Distinguish between terms
c. Use terms effectively
d. Understand the meaning of terms

4. Which is not considered as a Self-Report assessment?
a. Attitude surveys
b. Aptitude tests
c. Personality measures
d. Interviews

5. Which term is used to spell out what is expected of students at each level of performance for each criterion?
a. Performance c. expectation
b. Descriptor d. criteria

6. In assessing the affective domain of learning, the objectives pertaining to “differentiate, accept, listen” are in what level of learning?
a. Receiving c. valuing
b. Responding d. organization

7. When a learner is successfully acting consistently in accordance with the values he internalizes, he achieved the highest level of learning called-
a. Responding
b. Valuing
c. Organization
d. Characterization

8. Which behavioral term indicates the highest level of learning in the affective domain?
a. Accept c. Defend
b. Respond d. Internalize

9. This refers to mental disposition to act which is expressed in some degree of favor or disfavor.
a. Attitudes c. Motivation
b. Needs d. Intention

10. In Frederick Hersberg’s two factor theory, which factor can demotivate a worker if absent?
a. Challenging work
b. Recognition
c. Responsibility
d. Job security

11. Which of the following can give positive satisfaction of people in a workplace?
a. Recognition c. Job security
b. Status d. Salary

12. Who formulated the theory of hierarchy of human needs?
a. Frederick Herzberg
b. Abraham Maslow
c. Clayton Aldefer
d. Albert Bandura

13. This refers to an impression that one is capable of performing in a certain manner or attaining certain goals.
a. Self efficiency
b. Self efficacy
c. Self confidence
d. Self motivation

14. This assesses an individual’s reaction to specific words, ideas or concepts in terms of bipolar scales.
a. Semantic Differential Scales
b. Thurstone Scales
c. Likert Scales
d. Checklist

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